Midi-chlorian Club!

Do you have the blood of a Jedi?

To encourage the acquisition of knowledge of Tatooiniki, it’s denizens, and their rituals, we have developed a rigorous training program which will allow those with force sensitivity, good humor and strong livers, to progress along the Path of the Beachbum Jedi. As Luke was tested by Yoda, so to must club members attain skills and knowledge to progress from Poop Deck Padawan through the Council of Nerf Herders.

Not afraid?

You will be.

You will be…


Poop Deck Padawan

  • At least three seasons on Tatooiniki

  • Trial of Knowledge:
    Complete the Tatooiniki Kessel Run Quiz in 5 mins or less with a score of 13 or higher

Jolly Jedi Knight

*can be cumulative over multiple visits

Beachbum Jedi Master

Council of Nerf Herders

  • Proof of Beachbum Jedi Master degree

  • Proof of character, good or bad

  • Trial of Insight:
    Pass the Star Wars-Tiki quiz

It has been declared that the names of the members of the Midi-chlorian Club shall be inscribed on the Plaque of the Whills, thereby memorializing the brave deeds that have transpired in Tatooiniki.